Who Can Apply

We support ideas with startup value that are innovative, potentially patentable, and focused on delivering sustainable solutions to today’s most pressing challenges.

Catalyst Startup Accepting Criteria

Catalyst aims to support sustainabilty focused startups. Through our team and investment committee we evalute promising startups by looking at the Founding team, Technology/Product Readiness, Sustainability, Economic Viability, Growth & Scalability.

Founding Team
Founding Team
  • Emotionally Intelligent, Competent and Knowledgeable founders
  • Results-oriented and balanced team with extensive relevant experience and required technical skills
  • Readiness for change and challenges
  • Prefer some background in entrepreneurship and business
Technology/Product Readiness
Technology/Product Readiness
  • A truly disruptive product or service that has the potential to transform an industry
  • No direct competitors that offer an identical solution
  • Possesses or have clearly identified potential for intellectual property that cannot be replicated
  • Must have an MVP/proof of successful pilot
  • Startup established for no more than 2-3 years
Founding Team

Significant positive impact on the environment fits within Catalyst’s focus areas:

  • Energy Efficiency & Renewables
  • E-Mobility
  • AgriTech
  • Recycling tech/circular economy
  • Food Security & Monitoring
Technology/Product Readiness
Economic Viability
  • Must present a timeline on future models and/or systems, further development plans
  • Clearly-defined target market and segment of customers
  • Sound strategy to monetize the product or service
  • Clear timeline of return on investment
Founding Team
Growth & Scalability
  • Product/service is clearly scalable with little or no barriers
  • Promising target market (TAM, SAM, SOM)
  • Demonstrated competitive advantages and prospective synergies